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When do I need to replace my roof?

Do You Need A New Roof?

When you think of home maintenance, things like plumbing or flooring come to mind. Not many of us give much thought to the roof. After all, aren't roofs suppose to last for years? 

Roofing can last anywhere from 20 to 50 years, depending on the material used. Figuring out when to replace your roof can be simple if you know what you need to look out for. Here, we'll go over a few things that roofing companies in NWA recommend you keep an eye out for.

1. Check Your Records

One thing you can look into before starting any of the physical work is your home improvement records. These records will tell you exactly when your roof was installed and the material used. This will give you an idea of when you might need to replace it. 

For example, a standard asphalt shingle roof can last up to 25 years. If you're unsure about the lifespan of your roof, you can always contact a company that specializes in roofing in Northwest Arkansas. 

2. Inspect Your Attic

Before you go climbing on your roof to investigate, it's a good idea to start in an easily accessible attic. There are a few things you need to look out for. For instance, if you see beams of lights shining through, this is a problem. Gaps in your roofing can be caused by weathering. Also, streaks and stains mean there's a leak in your roof. Inspecting your attic is a great way to catch any problems before they become bigger issues

3. Shingle State

Now it's time to examine the state of your roofing from the outside. Shingles are meant to lie flat, so what you're looking for here is any shingles that are out of place or may have suffered any cracking or damage from weathering. These are all indications of your roof needing repair.

NWA roofers also recommend checking your guttering for any shingle granules. If there is a large amount of granule build-up in your guttering, it's a sign that your roofing is nearing the end of its lifespan.

4. Broken Flashing

Roof flashing seals the seams to your roof around vents, skylights, and chimneys. This prevents any rain or weather from getting through. IT is important to make sure these seals are still in good condition. Cracks or tears can lead to leaks, which allows water to damage the interior of your roof. Flashings are the most critical parts of your roof. All NWA roofing companies recommend making sure your flashings are well installed and made from quality materials.

5. Rot and Mold

Whether it's because of cracked shingles or damaged flashing, water build-up in your roof is usually accompanied by rotting boards, mold, moss growth, or sagging in your roofing, especially in the lowest points of your roof. If this is the case, it's best to replace your roof before any further damage can be done to your property or your health.

Keep a Level Head

One or two of these signs to a small degree, doesn't mean you need an entirely new roof. It's only when they become major problems that you should seek out an NWA roofing company. If your issues are small, it's still best to take care of them before they get any worse. Minor fixes now can save you a major headache in the future. 

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